Thursday 28 April 2011

lovey dovey :)

he is fawwaz . slame nih ta penah tgk muke fawwaz an ? oke . let me tell u a story . we've been together since 29112010 . at . kteorg da jdi mmber since aq pom 1 . and dye pulak pom 5 time tuh . haha . jaoh an beza taon kteorg . 4 years doee . tpi suke ah walopon dye tue . memahami gyla ah . ta mcm kapel ngan bdk sebaya . kalo mrajuk ngan dye . dye mrajuk balek ngan kte . senget gyla . tpi aq ta ckp sume ah . kteorg since mnggu lpas ta cntct . sbb phone aq da kne amek ngan mak aq . ade bdk barua yg bwk sial dlm idop aq . bkn na ckp ape ah . aq ta penah crik pasal ngan dye . dye pulak melampau . na drop aq . na ckp aq gedik . na ckp aq gatal . na ckp mcm2 ah . 1 hari barua tu ta cte pasal aq kat org and memalukan aq kat org ta s,purna ah idop dye . ta na kasi tau nme ah . malu pulak dye nnti . aq still jage aib kau tuh . sbb dye sorang . aq ta dpt kuar umah , ta dpt cntct fawwaz , ta dpt balek ngan mmber , ta dpt na msg bestfren aq , nana . mcm2 ah . aq bia jea dye pjik pale aq . aq ta penah bia kan org pijak pale aq . taon ni aq bia jea . aq mls na mlawan . sbb org yg suke pijak pale org ni org gile sbnarnye . kalo aq lyan dyeorg . aq pon ta pasal2 dpt gelaran si gila . haha . lgi pon kalo dye ta kwn aq pon . aq melambak lgi kwn . bdk pom 5 ade , pom 4 ade , pom 3 ade , pom 2 ade , pom 1 ade . weh . even kau ta kwn aq . aq still bole kwn ngan sape2 jea . aq ta hanyut pon ta de kau . tpi kau ? ta kwn ngan aq . then pegi kat kwn lme balek . haha . balik2 at situ jea kau pusing . sbb kau pnye kwn tuh bole dibilang . eh cop . tajuk aq  ape ? lovey dovey an ? act na cte pasal fawwaz . tpi da geram sngt . tu yg cte at sinie . sbb dye ah sume ni bermula . jgn fitnah fawwaz mcm2 . ckp fawwaz tlis name kau dlm toilet + no phone kau . eh . mane pulak dye dpt num kau doeee ? pkir gune otak . ingt kan cmrlang pmr pndai lah sket . tpi bodoh jugak kau nih rupenye . haha . btw honey , wo ai ni , wo xiang ni , ni qui si la ble duduk ta msg ni :(

Sunday 24 April 2011

1st runner up :D

1.smk mantin

sesampainye kami di sana . intan dgn banggenye mnunjukkan kami jln untk ke dewan . ye lah . bdk ex smk mantin lah kata kan . mse tu da ah hujan . msing2 main redah jea . bile da smpai dewan . kteorg tros duduk . kteorg adalah skola yg ke 14 present . smpai2 je kami mmg sngt lah ta gugup . bole snap2 . bole mkn walopon dilarang . bole gelak2 . bole rayau2 . bole pegi jmpe kawan . sket pon ta rase mcm na tkot2 .

2.kejayaan :)

frstly . pgacara majlis mngumumkan skola2 yg akan dpt sijil pnyertaan . shock jugak bile name smk agama sheikh haji mohd said ta disebut . but in my mind , aq da bole agak skola shams akan dpt tmpt . and suddenly she announced the winner for 1st runner up is S.M.K Agama Sheikh Haji Mohd Said . gyla excited ah . mnjerit gyla babi doee . bdk skola lain mnyirap jea tgk kteorg . ape kteorg kesa ? kau ta suke ? kteorg da menang pon . but kteorg sume ta puas ati tkc champion . tkc pnye gyla dull kot . bored . but mayb kteorg pnye sebutan ta betol or wtv ah an .
3.on the stage :0

kteorg mse duduk kat bwh . tgk org present jea . bole gelak2 lgi . ble kteorg da diarahkan kuar dri dewan . mula lah sume mnjadi solehah . sume da snyp jea . bce doa lgi tu nyah . hee . kteorg naik jea . kteorg da bgi big smile . and very very the bertenaga lah kteorg pnye prsmbhan . kejap2 kteorg ckp jea ade org tepuk . na buat mcm ne . script mmg best . org suke time 'now , everyone can fly' , 'really trully' , 'ronaldo pass it to ozil and bla bla bla' and etc etc etc . ble kuar jea dewan . kteorg mnjerit kepuasan :)

4.the best conductor :)
when diumumkan the best conductor . she called conductor from S.M.K Agama Sheikh Haji Mohd Said . and kteorg sume tepok tgn kuat gyla . ta sngke weh kak adlina dpt the best conductor . dlm sejarah doee shams dpt the best conductor . bangge mr.s . haha . but one of st paul students said 'oh.the slow girl?' . weh . jelez ta dpt anugerah tu ckp jea lah . na ckp slow slow lak . ish . usaha tngge kjayaan . taon dpt kalo dpt gelaran best conductor . kteorg akan try ckp eh . 'the slow conductor' . bole kan ? haha :p

Sunday 17 April 2011

perfect ?

oke . aq ade sorng bestfren . 2 taon aq brsame dye . after that . dye pindah skola melaka . sbb ikot bpak dye * mayb . haha . dye nih baik sngt . happy jea . aq suke gyla bile tgk dye snyum and nmpk braces cute dye tuh . dye nih periang gyla . tpi taon lpas dye da dpt bestfren yg baik dri aq . ta pe lah . sume org berhak na kwn ngan sape2 pon kan ? what for na halang2 . ape kau ingt kawan kau tu mmg untk kau jea er ? eh tetibe na mara pulak . haha . oke this is da story . kwn aq nih ade gamba free hair dlm fb dye . weh , kamu yg mngutuk dye . think gune akal lah . jgn lah gune otak jea . cube kau pkir . dye still skola agame er doe ? kau pkir bnde tuh ah . dlu kau yg mngutuk ni . penah an ta pkai tdung . siap ltak gamba at frenster lgi *mse tu zaman frenster . org sound kau melawan . mmg ptot ah org sound . sbb kau tu dlm skola agame . then na free hair pulak . weh , skrng ni , kwn aq ni bkn lgi bdk skola agame . and dye nih ta lah alim mcm kau . errr . kau alim er bajet alim ? haha . ta tau lah . alim ta alim . tu sume di mate Allah . aq ta suke na judge org ikot kulit bku . weh , kau cube pkir , dye BDK SKOLA BIASE . skola biase oke ? mcm mane dgn ujian yg dye dpt kat sane ? mcm2 . msti ade mmber yg ta pkai tdung an ? pkir lah doee . people do change . contoh dekad da ade . kak hidayah gimin . dye dlu ta pkai tdong . sosial sket . and look at her now , da pkai tdong . lawa dye pkai tdong . kte sbgai umat islam ta de hak na ktuk org . tpi kte ade hak na menasihat . tpi ingt . kalo na nasihat . gune lah cara yg baik . bukan dgn maki2 . islam ta mngajar kte menegur org dgn makian . sume manusia buat salah . tipu lah kalo kau ta penah buat salah . kau malaikat er smpurna sngt ? cube pkir2 kan . aq penah dgr . org ckp . ape yg kte slalo ktuk . bnde tu akan berbalik at kte . renung2 kan lah ye . :)

the lover :)

 nama : mohd yusof bin tahir .

oke . ni ayah aq ah . ayah aq bru bli kete bru . mercedes e220 . alaaa . mercedes lame lah . aq ta kaye mcm kau , kau dan kau . ayah aq mmg addicted dgn merc . ta tau nape . dlu ayah ade kete merc jbs 4488 . then ayah jual and beli unser . ta tau ah nape jual . mayb sbb kteorg adik bradik da gemok2 . ta muat na duduk kete tu . then , bile kwn ayah da offer kete bru ni kat ayah . ayah tnpe segan silu na beli . ayah beli sbb ayah suke and kteorg adik bradik pon makin lame makin brkurang :( angah at university of nottingham . alang akan msuk universiti jugak . tnggl lah aq ngan si gemok popular adik aq tuh . so na gune merc , it's not a big deal . ayah aq ni popular . ayah kau popular ? ta kan ? haha . ayah aq penah brlakon . ayah kau penah ? haha . tpi plakon tambahan jea pon . hahaha . 3 cte . 2 cte raye . 1 cte lestari . skrng da ta brlakon da . tpi ayah aq bkn popular sbb brlakon . tpi sbb dye tu mmg dikenali rmai . pegi sini kne tegor . pegi sane kne tegor . haha .

nama : zaleha binti othman .

ni ibu aq pulak . comel an ? aq kesa pe kau na ckp ibu aq ta comel . haha . ibu aq ni mcm aq . SHOPPAHOLIC . kalo na shopping2 aq msti bwk ibu . time aq pling gemar kalo duit tgh bnyk . mnx lah ape pon . kompem ibu akan ckp "amek lah" . haha . tpi kalo ta de duit . ibu akan buat bodoh jea ape aq mnx . haha . ibu ni pengila novel . novel tebal dye bole bce dlm mase 2 ari jea . aq tipu ? ta ah . betol . tpi ari tu ibu akan duduk hadap novel jea . bru bole bce 2 hari . kalo kne msuk dapor and kenduri and bla bla bla . ta de ah 2 ari . 5 ari mungkin ah . mse besday ibu . kteorg slalo bgi ibu novel . ibu ! bape bnyk da novel ibu ? haha . kalo ateh sentoh novel . bce bru smpai muka surat 8 da ngantok . haha . hobi ibu ngan hobi ateh ta same :) 1 more thing . ibu addicted ngan bunga orkid . kalo ibu tgh2 bwk kete . nmpk bunga orkid kat umah org . ibu akan bwk kete slow jea . tgk orkid org tu , haha . lpas tu geram kat orkid org tu pulak , haha .

nama : muhamad safwan bin mohd yusof .

ni my eldest brother . dye ni pndai gyla . jeles lah jugak tgk otak dye nih . apehal kau ? ta pcaye er dye pndai ? dye dpt 5A tau mse upsr . ape ? mmg lah upsr . sabar ea . aq list kan ea . pmr dye dpt 9A , spm dye dpt 11A 1 B . ha . pndai an an ? ape lgi kau ni ? spm dye ade B ? hekeleh . kau bole er dpt 11 mcm dye ? bole bole ? haha . dye nih ta tau ah otak pe . blaja ta de . enjoy lbih . tpi asal exam je , result gempak . na jea aq tuko otak ngan kau . dye ni gyla stylish ah . kuar mane2 pon na bersiap mgalah kan org pompan . haha . dye jugak penghibur famly kteorg . otak dye ni ting tong . asl dye balek jea . rumah aq akan jdi riuh rendah mcm pasar malam . and bile ade dye . kteorg slalo mkn luar , mkn sdp2 . haha . dye an da berduit . tu lah sbb bole slalo blanje or bwk jlan2 .

nama : nur hazirah binti mohd yusof .

ni lah budak yg hari2 tlong aq . haha . kalo aq bru lpas jmpe fawwaz . msti dye akan dtg jmpot aq bile aq suro . haha . dye ni jugak lah pendegar setia aq . tiap2 mlm kteorg akan kongsi cte . dye ni gyla sabar ah . org kutuk , org fitah , org maki . dye bole buat bodoh jea . mcm ta de bnde jea yg jdi . gyla kuat ah minah ni bhai . dye nih gyla kan duit . lpas jea spm ari tu . dye crik keje . mcm2 keje da dye penah buat . 1st dye jdi cg taska . jage bdk . bgi bdk mkn . tido kan bdk . da mcm mak bdk da . haha . smpaikan ade bdk pnggl dye "mama" . haha . mse dye keje situ dpt gaji ta sprti yg dijanjikan . kate pemilik taska . dye akan dpt 650 . tpi akhirnye dye hnye dpt 450 . gyla dye mncarut habes ah . then dye ta puas ati dpt gaji bnyk tuh , then she worked at carefour kfc . gaji brbaloi . 750 . gemar ah dye dpt gaji bnyk2 . tpi she complained yg dye penat sngt , dye mls na make up , dye kne balek kul 1 pgi and bla bla bla . then after a month , dye pon berhenti . then she moved to tesco , and worked there . dye keje kat tmpt yg jual keychai2 nme tuh . dye suke keje kat situ . mmber pon happy2 sume . but 1 thing yg buat dye berhenti . asyik berhenti jea ah keje dye nih . pemilik perniagaan suro dye free hair . abah dye na free hair ! and lastly , now , dye duduk rumah sahaje and got rm200 per month from my daddy :p

nama : muhammad shahir bin mohd yusof .

ni bdk gemok popular name dye . tnye dye . bdk skola mane yg ta jdi mmber dye ? shams ade , sheikh ahmad ade , pz ade , seri ampgn ade , bahkan dye juga penah memiliki awek org sarawak . bdk ni . 1 day aq ta gado ngan dye ta lengkap dunia nih . kdg2 pasal bnde sekecil semut pon kteorg akan gado . but it's not gado yg smpai na brperang . it's just gado2 mnaje . awwww . haha . dye ni . addicted ngan fb . 1 day ta bkak fb . dye akan kne sawan babi . hahaha . ibu ayah aq mmg ta kasi bkak fb time ari skola . and so . kteorg akan dpt bkak sbtu ahd jea . sbtu ahad tu . skali dye bkak fb . perggghhhh gyla bnyk notification . juling aq tgk . ye lah dye ni . sume org dye lyan . mane ta penoh wall dye . bile comen pulak . wajib na wall to wall . tu yg lgi mnyemak kan wall dye . dye kalo gune computer . sume bnde dye na explore . haha . fb bnde pling dye ta bole hidop kalo ta de :p

Saturday 16 April 2011

choral speaking :D

teenager world !

in thunder and lightning , here we come !
ehem ehem ( clearing the throat )
romeos and juliets ,
take a deep breath , calm down and relax ,
cause we are going to drag you ,
to the ... TEENAGE WORLD ! wallah .

it's the time to unleash your true colours ,
when curiosity and rebellion start to control your mind ,
when your heart start to grow fonder ... ohhh ohhh ,
when you start to say NO when everybody say YES ,
and when you become more mature and think about the future .

what is future ? what are we going to be in the future ?
prosecutor !
engineer !
astronaut !
the next tyra banks ! ( striking a pose ) errr , is it okay ?
dad says "be whatever you want to be darling!" ,
mom says "don't follow others , just be yourself honey !" ,

when you are entering the secondary school ,
you have to start setting your goal for the future ,
and start to think about archimedes eureka i found it ! , electrochemistry , functions , debit and credit  and bla bla bla .
homework ! paperwork ! examination !
what's more the parents demands ,
for A's ! A's ! and more A's !
forget about facebook , telenovela and indies ! STOP !
we have to put more effort , focus on studies and pray for success
fuuhhhh ! we really need a break !

exam is over ! freedom is ours ! it's HOLIDAY !!!
where to go ? what to do ?
emmm , having a picnic at the beach ? wooossshhh ...
ice skating at sunway pyramid ? perhaps , perhaps . perhaps !
shopping till you drop ? aaaahhhhhh
or jungle trekking in the thick deserted jungle ... err ...
wait wait wait wait wait ,
have you ever thought on how to get to the destination ?
you don't have the licence yet !
uh uh uh , remember friends ,
you can't drive without licence ! it's ILLEGAL !
then how can we get there ?
worry no more ,
we have ..
buses !
taxis !
commuters !
or even the aeroplane ! now everyone can fly !
teah ! the convenient public transports are always at your service .

ladies and gentlemen ,
what are teenagers without gadgets ?
behold ...
i pod , i pad , i phone , mp3 , mp4 , ps2 , ps3 , psp .. pheww ..
they are all the new trendy gadgets ,
teenagers are sharing the same typical habits ,
stuck to the ict gadgets , the handphones and laptops ,
they cannot live without them !
communicating with friends , through SMS and facebook ,
while shopping , while sleeping , while eating or even in the toilet !
eeeeeuuuuwwwww .
messaging is such an epidemic ( message tunes )

teenagers love foods !
the menus for breakfast , lunch and dinner ,
will be as varied as the people ,
popiah , char kuey tiow ,
roti canai , nasi lemak ,
rojak and teh tarik .
don't forget the king of fruits - the durian !
eeeeeee !
hey , what's with the EEE expression ? durians are delicious !
never be forgotten , the indulging taste of chocolate indulgence ,
with the creamy latte espresso .
mmuuaahh .. mamma mia !
these are the delicacies that teenagers will crave for more !
emmm emmm .

hey , is it true ?
bruno mars and justin bieber are coming to malaysia ?
daaa , it's true ! ( jerk expression )
oh my bieber !
enough enough !
truth to be told , bieber is now part of the teenagers life !
hey , we prefer bruno mars . at least he's not dating selena gomez !
what's wrong with selena gomez ?
would all of you please STOP !
huh , another teenagers favourite , GOSSIP !
hello , too much gossiping can affect your life !
really ? truly .
truly ? really .

how about football ?
it's no longer a boy things ,
we the girls love football too ,
torres , ozil , lampard , gerrard , rooney and messi ,
just name the player , it's all in our heads !
ronaldo's passing it to ozil , 
what an amazing trick from ozil .
and and goal !
he did it again , another hatrick from ozil .
the girls and the boys will scream at the top of thier lung .
football ? it's a boy girl things .

now , let's move to fashion . ouh yeah .
teenagers love fashion !
girls are addicted to shawl,
for them , hana tajima is thier fashion idol ,
look at how she wraps the shawl around her head ,
while boys ,
crave for full cap , skinny jeans or even thier so-called-bieber-supra ,
but beware , your stylish mink cardigan may cost you a lot of money ,
awwww , mummy and daddy can handle it .

above all enjoyment , teenagers can't avoid mental-torturing problems ,
urgghhh ! studying , arguing with friends , parents nagging , money matter and love ...
NO NO NO ! love is not a problem . it's a waste !
when you become a teenager ,
you often say NO when everybody say YES !
and you become stressful when your parents force you to do this and that ,
and your friends belittle to your jokes ,
( shook heads and making tsk sound )
so , this is the time for you to start to be wise in controling yourself .

charlies and angels ,
allow us to lend your ears please ,
ehem ehem ,
be good in study !
never get involved in puppet love !
always listen to your parents !
stop building castle in the air !
and live your life to the fullest !
before we end our choral speaking ,
we would like to extend our apologies ,
if the statement we made ,
have offended anybody ,
last worlds from us ,
we love our teenager life !

thank you :D

intan norhijrah - ezzati shuhaimi - raihan - syahirah zamri - syahidah azira - wahida - hamiizah yusof - sofia - syakirah , amalina , mahirah - nabilah shahrin - izzati iskan - amalina annuar .

Friday 15 April 2011

one in a million :p

assalamualaikum . ta jwb berdosa . kalo jwb syyggggg sngttt :)

budak ni lah satu2 nye bdk laki yg rpt ngan aq . name diberi ameerul anas bin awalludin . *aq tau name penoh kau bhai . pde 1 hari , dye mmggil aq dgn gelaran HAMI . ta de org penah pnggl aq mcm tu . but he said . he want to be one in a million . and strt from that day . he'll call me hami . if he can be one in a million to . so do i . haha . and i strted to call him RUL . haha . rul ?? errr . ade sape2 er penah pnggl bdk ni rul slaen aq ? rase nye ta de . yeahhh . i got the title . one in a million . but day by day . dye makin menyombongkan diri . dlu katenye . mahu bermsg dgn aq stiap hari . ape cte sume akan dismpaikan kpd aq . bnyk sudah cte si dye di dlm kotak emas hatiku . haha . but skrng . once he had a prob . then he'll txt me . rul , kalo na ckp aq trase dgn kau . yes am i . think what u've done to me . menggedik ? hello . this is not mnggedik lah . luahan prasaan nih . and rul . tgk lah skrng . kte ta rpt mcm dlu kan ? ye lah kau rmai peminat skrng . ade pulak org2 mnx num kau kat aq . woohaaa . famous . ptot pon sombong :p rul , post ni bkn na perli kau . just i wnt u to know what am i feel bout ur behaviour . sorry :(

p/s : sorry my engling language was bad . i'm not good in english :p

Saturday 9 April 2011

they complete me :D

assalamualaikum . ta jwb berdosa . kalo jwb syyggggg sngttt :)

mreka sngt terhebadd . mule menceburkan diri dgn mreka stat choral speaking . pda mula nye . mreka agk senget ke tepi ye . mreka gemar ketawa bnde2 yg ta msuk akal . mgape mreka yg meng-completekan aq ? sbb mreka bnyk mndgr luahan prasaan aq . bergelak ketawa bersama aq . sdih ta sdih ta ? haha . mreka bkn shaje comel malah mreka benar2 ting tong . mungkin aq bole msuk dgn mreka krane aq benar2 syg kan mreka . oucchhh . ape ni ? ta msuk akal ape yg diperkotak-katikkan . if korang ta knl mreka . jgn lah korang men-judge mreka hnye dgn mlihat kulit buku ye . hati mreka bersih nurani . mreka bole dijdikan kwn dan juga lawan kalo crik problem dgn mreka . mreka iaitu ad , kiah , maie dan emy sngt lah mnghepikan idop aq . mreka terbaik dri ladang yg diimport dri kilang batik :P

Friday 8 April 2011

happy birthday :)

on 4th of april . it's was my extraordinary teacher's birthday , cikgu liyana . kteorg 1 klas da rncang na buat suprised untk cg yg pling kteorg syg nih . mse cg tgh2 syok mgajar . nur buat2 skit and pening and what so ever lah . then , cg bnyk kali tnye . 'nur , awk okey ?' . after habes blaja . mse cg na bgi ltihan pngukuhan . nur suddenly "pengsan" . haha . cg da gelabah time tuh . then , syhmi msuk dgn kek . after that . cg ckp "syhmi smpn dlu kek tuh . kwn awk pengsan ni" . and then nur bgun and kteorg nyanyi lgu untk cg . kami berbangga sbb kami ank murid pertama cg yg clebrate virthday cg at skola . hehe . btw , aq ta dpt mkn kek . tpi ta pe . it's not a big deal . dpt smbut birthday cg pon da ckop bgos lah . 4 ihsan ! korang mmg terbaik ah . nur ! kau dinobatkan sbgai PELAKON WANITA TERBAIK :p

Saturday 2 April 2011

i feel good :)

smlm an an . aq pegi klinik . untk tgk keadaan kaki aq nih . smlm doc tuh bkak kudis aq dgn slow nye . dan skit gyla na mati ah . org sunat pon ta skit mcm nih . skrng kulit aq da nmpk cantik sket dri sblom nih . da tumboh kulit bru :) then , dye gunting dging2 aq yg da mati . wane kuning . eeeee . dye gunting dging aq smpai lah nmpk dging bru yg kmerahan . seram tak seram tak ? haha . mase dye gunting tuh ta skit sngt lah . tpi da mnitik lah air mate nih . lpas tu dye ltak krim pe ntah wane puteh . kne cuci ari2 . tdi pon pegi lah klinik . dye bkak bandage . lpas tuh tgk da baekkk . hepi gyla . kat tumit tu brair ouhh . lpas tuh dye gunting lgi aq pnye kaki . bile da elok sket . slera lah jugak na tgk kaki nih . haha . ape kau ckp ? kaki aq burok ? geli ? cacat ? so what dude . kaki aq ke kaki kau ? yg kau na kecoh2 pehal . ni ujian untk aq . skit nih pnghapus dosa . at least dosa aq da trhapus lah jugak . dosa kau ? pham2 jea lahh ea :p